About Us
We have been communicating total rewards using our web-based platform since 2007. Our principals however, have been communicating total compensation since 1991. The names have changed over the years – from hidden paychecks, employee benefit statements, total compensation statements and more recently — total rewards statements. Regardless of the name, our goal remains the same. Provide fanatical customer support with a product that communicates your organization’s financial value proposition to your employees, new hires, candidates and executives.
And do it better, more efficiently and cost-effectively than any other vendor on the planet.

We were founded in 2007 in sleepy Rocklin, California
near Sacramento

First total rewards communications cloud platform vendor

We’ve had triple digit growth since founding

Over 500 customers using our platform and growing

Our statements are delivered in 40 countries

“We’re a blend of old school domain expertise and new school technology know-how. More importantly, every team member is singularly focused on our customers’ success.”
Ray O’Donnell

“We wanted to create and provide a Total Rewards statement in a professional and timely manner. The TRS software met our needs very effectively. In particular, the templates and data management functionality saved us considerable time and effort. The final product was well-received by our associates.”
Les McElwain