A recent ALEX survey found that less than 40% of respondents had an idea of what their employer’s expectations were for them. This murky expectation setting is also found to have a direct effect on the productivity and morale of new hires.

So how do companies prevent costly miscommunications with new talent and set employees up for success during onboarding? By being crystal clear about the details of the position, the company and the work atmosphere during the talent acquisition process. Having a compelling, sleek offer letter is a great place to start.

The Importance of the Candidate Offer Letter

The offer letter is crucial to creating a positive new-hire experience for one primary – and obvious – reason: It documents the most important expectations of an employee, including what the position entails, who they report to, how much they will make and what their overall benefit package looks like. Documenting these standard job details ensures there are no gray areas when it comes to setting employee expectations and gives new hires the opportunity to evaluate a position at a more itemized level before taking it.

The offer letter also benefits the employer-new-hire relationship in a number of other ways – many of which may be less obvious but extremely impactful.

Here are a few tips for creating a transparent, engaging and unique offer letter:
