A young workforce and a strong economy are making hiring the best employees a challenge for companies today. Nearly 35% of employers report increased turnover and over two-thirds say they’re struggling to find proven talent. Interestingly, nearly 60% of young job seekers are on the lookout for employers that share their core values. It seems there could be a discrepancy between what candidates are looking for and what employers are pitching. Could it be that too many companies have a short-sighted view of the hiring process, relying on a “hiring the best takes being the best” mentality?

With a hiring philosophy like that, many employers are missing the most crucial part of the process. Hiring the best workers doesn’t take “being the best” – it takes “being the best for a particular employee.

Companies can boost their engagement with candidates by making transparent, holistic value communication a part of the recruiting process. Communicating values candidates respond to, not ones they feel set them apart as an employer, goes a long way in taking employee recruitment beyond a process and into a lasting relationship. Here are a few ways companies can accomplish this:

Give Recruitment a Brain of its Own

Hiring the best candidates would be a lot easier if recruiters could just read the minds of potential hires to see what it would take for them to come on board. A total compensation software solution with on-demand technology and built-in analytics may give HR professionals the insight that does the trick. With analysis and reporting on when candidates access the portal, how many times they do it, and on which pages they spend the most time, companies can get an inside look at what motivates their potential hires. Not to mention, it gives employers a valuable leg up over competitors in hiring the best talent.
