It’s no secret – companies want the best talent. Unfortunately, this means the best job candidates often have plenty of options. They’re either interviewing at cream-of-the-crop enterprises, sizing up other exciting endeavors or – gasp – already have a lucrative job. How do talent-hungry companies make themselves stand out when they lack the resources and appeal of giants like Google or Facebook?

Jan Tegze, Senior Recruiting Manager at SolarWinds, thinks an employee value proposition might be the solution. An employee value proposition (EVP) showcases why talent should work at an organization, often incorporating elements like workplace culture, company vision and cash (and non-cash) compensation packages. When implemented correctly, an EVP can have major pull when it comes to luring in top talent.

Here are a few of Tegze’s tips for creating an effective employee value proposition:

Analyze Employee Data

Find out why current employees work at your company using data gathered from exit interviews, focus groups and surveys. Do they like the laid-back environment? Are the benefits top-drawer? Do they feel like they’re making a difference in society? Identifying patterns in this data may help you find key themes to communicate in your EVP.

Get Executive (and Employee) Buy-In

Executives should always have a major say in their company’s employee value proposition – but the buck shouldn’t stop in the C-suite. Employee insights and feedback should be gathered to ensure your company’s brand is articulated correctly. Employees may often have a different perspective than their leaders, and it should be leveraged when creating the EVP.

Spread the Word

Once an EVP is established, it needs to be promoted. This promotional effort should start during recruiting and continue through an employee’s exit stage. Integrating key marketing tools like social media with HR technologies can be handy when amplifying your employee value proposition among employee and candidate circles.

Get the rest of Tegze’s tips in his full LinkedIn Pulse article.

Need Help Communicating Your Employee Value Proposition?

It may seem straightforward, but developing a compelling EVP isn’t an easy task, especially as technology continues to impact HR strategy, candidate expectations evolve and employee motivators get more intrinsic and less tangible.

Check out our candidate experience portal for more resources – and a few tools – that will help you tailor your company’s employee value proposition to today’s fast-evolving candidate and employee mindsets.