Did you know that the majority of workers go to work every day motivated by things other than their salary? Since that’s the case, wouldn’t it be great if they had a compelling print (or even a convenient online) compensation package that clearly articulated EVERY reward they receive from their employer, including non-monetary benefits? They do – and you can deliver it to them!

Ready to get started?

Log in to your total rewards project now to take your employees’ total rewards statements beyond monetary rewards with comprehensive benefits like fitness plans, career advancement tracks, and work-life balance.

Here’s how – it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Inside your project, go the Programs tab
  2. Click Benefits
  3. Input your non-monetary rewards

Need to add benefit programs to your statement? Just click “New Program”. In no time you’ll be on your way to creating engaging benefit statements that put a new spin on the meaning of a TOTAL rewards statement.

The best part is, enhancing your compensation offering with unique non-monetary benefits is a major step your company can take toward a number of other measurable benefits:

  • Increased revenue growth
  • Improved employee performance
  • Lower turnover

What are you waiting for? Show your talent these benefits with a total compensation package that speaks! Simply log in and begin by adding your non-monetary benefits. When you’re done, learn how you can turn your enhanced total rewards statements into a valuable marketing solution for your company.