Job seekers in their 50s are unemployed nearly a month longer than those in their 30s and 40s, according to a recent Carlson School of Management study. The reason? It certainly isn’t a lack of experience, wisdom or talent. It’s the size of their circle of friends. Professionals in their 50s are typically found to have smaller social networks, which could have an adverse effect during the job search process.

The study found that as professionals age they tend to value quality of relationships rather than quantity. Seasoned workers also tend to stay in the same job for a longer period of time and often don’t need to reenter the job market. But like any other candidate out there, those that do can benefit from larger professional networks.

Now this doesn’t mean it’s time for Baby Boomers to get lost in the wonders of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It just means acquiring new skills and maintaining relationships could increase chances of getting hired quicker.

Read more about the ways professionals can enhance the job search process in this exclusive New York Times summary.

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